Posts tagged reconnecting
Let's Talk About Sex: Sexual Connection That Is

Sex…it’s a topic. This is something that couples will inevitably bring up in our time in couples therapy, some are upfront and ready to dive into it, and for other’s it takes some time to get comfortable discussing this part of the relationship. However, it’s essential that you are paying attention to your sexual intimacy, not so much in how often or how spicy it is, but more so understanding each person’s needs and desires. Satisfaction is key, but that looks different for everyone. This is an introduction to some of the factors that impact intimacy, and stay tuned for future posts getting more specific about how to build sexual intimacy.

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Creating Intentional Connection

Today couples therapist Jaimi Douthit is exploring how to create intentional connection in your marriage. We often hear couples coming into therapy saying they feel like roommates, are around each other all the time but they have no real connection with each other. It’s not going to appear just out of no where, connection is created by being intentional and engaging with your partner. Check out this blog post to get some ideas for how to get started so that you can move from not really even caring if your partner is around to actually missing them and wanted to spend time together.

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