Posts tagged intentional living
Why Self Care During the Holidays is Essential-Not Optional

Preparing for the holidays can often feel like an endless to-do list, going through the motions of what your family or others expect you to do, and stressing yourself out trying to find the perfect ugly sweater for each day of the week for your kids. Taking care of yourself is more important during the holiday season than any other time of the year, and the good news is you don’t have to do anything extra! Goodness knows you have enough on your plate. Read our latest blog to learn how you can integrate intentional self care into your daily activities, and how to use these skills to help yourself feel cared for and energized during this holiday season.

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Being Intentional with our Partners While Raising Kids

How do you connect with you partner in the middle of raising young kids? Most couples struggle with building and maintaining a satisfying relationship during these crucial years when the kids are young and need a million things from us. But if you let your relationship die or the intimacy fade, you’ll be in real trouble. We find that simplicity is the best solution to disconnection, find ways to communicate your needs in a clear and direct way to your partner. Plug into creating intentional connection, which looks totally different when you have a year old baby or 3 kids under 10 than it did before kids. Instead of fighting the situation or pretending it’s different, acknowledge your new context and work with it instead of against it.

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What is Minimalism? The Art of Knowing You Are Enough Without Your Stuff

What comes up for you when you hear the word minimalism? If you’re like most people, you will probably go straight to physical clutter and getting rid of stuff in your house. That’s a huge part of it, but there’s so much more. Let’s look at the many levels of minimalism.

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