Embracing Vulnerability: Journeying Through Sexual Challenges in Relationships


Let’s talk about sex, baby! Sex is a hot topic that we regularly spend time exploring in our couples counseling sessions because our sex lives are impacted by an absurd amount of factors and sex matters! A healthy sex life allows the tension in a relationship to decrease and the connection and intentionality in a relationship to increase. 

Talking about sex isn’t always easy and typically means that we are stepping into a place of vulnerability which is super hard for most people to do. 

couple being vulnerable together and engaging in sexual and physical intimacy which represents a skill they processed in couples therapy and marriage counseling

Being able to lean into vulnerability with your partner is key in processing some of the big puzzle pieces of your relationship. Vulnerability is how we cultivate trust, empathy and connection within any healthy relationship. It feeds our bond and allows us to process even deeper connections with our partner. The more we do this and are rewarded with a safe experience, the easier it becomes to trust that vulnerability is okay within that relationship. We lean in.

Sex brings up so many feelings for people. We often see feelings of shame, inadequacy and fear of rejection. We see a mismatch between libido and the expectations of sex. We see trauma impacting the ability to have a healthy sex life as well as the ability to communicate about it. We see individuals who want to thrive in their sex life struggling with the self-love and acceptance they need to even enjoy sex in the first place. We see people on a medication journey that hits their sex life like a speeding bus. We see infidelity crippling the idea of connection. The reality is that sex comes with a lot of baggage

couple being honest and having open communication about their sex life, needs, and wants representing skills practiced in couples therapy and marriage counseling

I know, it sounds like the stars have to align just right for us to achieve a healthy sex life with our partners but it really just requires compassion, patience, and intentionality. If we can come into the conversation with these things then we are going to feel heard, safe, and see movement within our goal. Sex within a relationship is a unique journey for everyone and a “great sex life” can look dramatically different overtime within a single relationship. Allowing that to be true is huge. 

Communicating honestly and openly is incredibly important to this challenging topic as that creates the foundation for this journey. If I am not open and honest with my partner then we are actively investing in wasting time and energy.  Wasting time is not the vibe! 

“This sounds hard!” Yes, it absolutely can be. But worth it? Oh, It is so so worth it. 

couple kissing and expressing affection as they have successfully discussed their feelings and thoughts openly related to sexual intimacy indicating successful couples therapy and marriage counseling

Imagine being able to come to your partner and discuss feeling disconnected and/or having an unmet need and that be totally safe to bring forward with you walking away feeling heard and loved. Imagine vulnerability coming with feelings of relief. Imagine feeling so connected to your partner that you feel like you are honeymooning all over again with a belly full of butterflies. These things are achievable! 

Now is the time to lean in and invest in your relationship. Call us today!

My name is Jaimi Douthit and I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor at the Center for Couples Counseling. I love working with couples and individuals who are ready and motivated to make changes in their lives and relationships, who can handle feedback and encouragement, and engage in using the tools I teach in therapy outside of the therapy room. At the Center for Couples Counseling, we specialize in couples therapy, infertility counseling, postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, self-care and burnout, and perfectionism. We help couples and individuals in the League City and Houston areas in person, and all residents of the State of Texas online. Call us at (832) 827-3288 to schedule a free phone consultation.

Begin Couples Therapy in League City, TX

We know relationships take a lot of hard work. But your relationship is important and deserves the effort. At Center for Couples Counseling we want to help you and your partner get back on the right track. To get started with in-person or online couples therapy follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact us to start couples therapy

  2. Meet with one of our skilled couples therapists

  3. Begin to see positive changes in your relationshipOther Services Offered at Center for Couples Counseling

Other Services Offered at Center for Couples Counseling

At the Center for Couples Counseling, we understand you or your relationship may be facing different challenges. To help you work on yourself and your relationship, our Texas practice offers individual therapy, infertility counseling, postpartum anxiety, and depression counseling, therapy for self-care and burnout, and therapy for perfectionism. For more about us check out our FAQs and blog!