Expressions of Love: Celebrating Milestones


What have been milestones in your relationship?

Depending on how long you've been together and life goals, these can look different for everyone.

The main ones people think of in modern America are: a first date, an anniversary, moving in together, a wedding, getting a pet, having kids, reaching a particular anniversary, retirement, etc. Not always in that order.

how to express love in different ways by celebrating relationship milestones in couples therapy and marriage counseling

These are great milestones and worth celebrating.

Sometimes, even big steps can be taken for granted because they're expected as the natural progression. This is what many who operate outside of monogamy refer to as the "relationship escalator." You get on and ride in a pre-determined direction. Even the escalator is contextual based on culture, class, etc. 

Something I enjoy about my chosen relationship style of Polyamory is that culturally, we choose the important things to us from a less prescriptive place with a wider lens. Then, we zoom in where we want to focus. This provides many opportunities to recognize moments of relational value.

Examples of milestones from my own relationships:

  • Saying "I love you" for the first time

  • Giving a new partner a key to my place

  • Creating a playlist together

  • The first time I'm included in a friend or family group space or get to share a holiday

  • Doing a commitment ceremony

These are things that don't have to happen with my partners, and I value them even more because of that.

noticing highlights and reflecting them to your partner in couples therapy and marriage counseling

If you were to be descriptive about meaningful steps in your romantic relationship, what would those be? I recommend making a list based on past or current relationship(s). Start broad, then get more detailed about what you value about each of them. For me, contexting how I want to be in a relationship with someone is an important milestone. 

Some ways to document and celebrate these milestones would be to keep a journal, scrapbook, digital photobook, etc.

A way I celebrate walking in between the milestones with a partner is to share "highlights." Highlights are the moments and interactions that bring pleasure, amusement, insight... It doesn't necessarily have to be a fun thing. Sometimes, my highlights are someone being vulnerable and sharing something difficult with me because I now know them more fully. 

There are so many ways to celebrate the details in the fabric.

No matter the event or duration, this is a practice I highly value. Even for those who put significantly more weight on actions than words, this can be a useful way to gain feedback on what actions are being recognized and appreciated. This can help you feel connected, appreciated, and refine how you're showing and receiving love.

Not only that, focusing on gratitude helps decrease anxiety!

I often do this at the end of or after a date, a meal, sex, a trip...

Examples of highlights from my own relationships:

  • “When the hostess said "Awww!" when you mentioned your ears get cold and I asked if you have earmuffs.”

  • “When we did a treasure hunt to a ring so I could propose.”

  • “When we walked through the botanical gardens on Crete and you looked so peaceful.”

  • “When we made homemade mac n cheese.”

  • “When we supported each other when travel plans got super messed up.”

  • “When you gave me an ornament with a drawing by your five-year old son for Christmas.”

couple celebrating the journey of spending a life together through couples therapy and marriage counseling

When you share or receive a highlight that is particularly touching, I recommend writing it somewhere to reflect on when you’re having a rough day individually or with your partner. Or even to go over together regularly.

In this season of celebrating love, I encourage you to celebrate the monumental milestones and appreciate the miles in between as you walk hand in hand on this journey.

My name is Sky Yeater and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate at the Center for Couples Counseling. I am passionate about helping couples and individuals pause, evaluate, set goals, and heal. To set up your free phone consultation so we can determine fit, call (832) 827-3288. Our Center serves couples and individuals in League City and Houston, Texas and all residents of Texas online!

Interested in Meeting a Couples Therapist in League City, TX?

If you want to improve your relationship and reconnect with your partner, take action now and start being more curious about your relationship. At Center For Couples Counseling, one of our skilled couples therapists can help you and your partner navigate your challenges and rediscover the curiosity and passion that brought you together in the first place. Don't wait any longer to invest in the health and happiness of your relationship. To meet with a couples therapist follow these three simple steps:

  1. Contact us to schedule an appointment

  2. Meet with one of our skilled couples therapists

  3. Begin to find the curiosity in your relationship and reconnect with your partner!

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At Center For Couples Counseling, our team of skilled therapists understands that your relationship may be facing different challenges. In addition to couples therapy, our Texas practice offers individual therapy, infertility counseling, postpartum anxiety and depression counseling, therapy for self-care and burnout, and therapy for perfectionism. For more about us check out our FAQs and blog!