Creative Ways to Say "I love you" Without Words


You know the phrase, words don’t mean anything without action.  Saying the words “I love you” is important and needed.  However, if you are not showing actions along with it, it will feel superficial.  There are so many actions that we can engage in that let’s our partners know how we feel about them. Love is the glue that binds us together and how we show that love has the potential to strengthen our relationship.  

Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages, highlights different ways that we enjoy receiving love, individually.  He has categorized these different ways of showing love into 5 distinct languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.  I love the attention to these areas to make it clearer for your partner.  However, it’s also about listening in on the day to day conversations that can lead to greater understanding of how to show your partner love.  Let me explain below.  

couple listening to each other and giving space as a way to show love couples therapy marriage counseling

Let them know that they can tell you anything, and stand by that.  

If you are constantly facilitating a safe place for your partner to say the good and bad things they are going through, you are hitting the mark.  To me, this is the best friend sweet spot within your relationship.  You will notice that you are creating this place for your partner because they can’t wait to share what they are going through and look forward to your expressions and empathy.  Notice I didn’t say to resolve it necessarily.  Sometimes, you just need to sit back and let them know you are walking this path with them.  

Prioritize spending time together.

It is so easy to put your relationship on the back burner and take one another for granted.  You don’t do this consciously, but it happens.  Between the kids schedules and work issues, it can be exhausting to add one more thing to your plate.  If you prioritize spending time with your partner, it shows them that no matter what, you matter.  You are loved.  

Interesting side note, recent research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has shown that investing in time with your romantic partner is also beneficial to your health.  The study looked at how much protein was in the blood and how that correlated with inflammation.  Inflammation was reduced by spending more time with your loved one.  Basically, less inflammation equals a healthier you.  Get your love on.  

learn how to take care of your partner in small ways couples therapy marriage counseling

It’s the little things too.

You definitely want your partner to express when they have had a challenging day, but sometimes it’s you noticing that they need some time to process and relax before they divulge.  Disclaimer, your partner should express some form of communication that lets you in on that.  I don’t care if it’s, “it’s been a day”.  We are not mind readers! But I love to embrace these moments to show a little more love.  Maybe they are sitting on the couch and you offer them a drink or their favorite dessert to let them know you care.  Sometimes, not saying a word, say’s a lot.

Get creative with how you show your partner love.  Some of the best forms of actions in showing love have nothing to do with big grand gestures.  It’s about being present and knowing your partner. 

My name is Jennifer Anderson and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate and a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate with the Center for Couples Counseling. I love working with couples who are looking to build strong and secure relationships, who are ready to take accountability for their own actions, and who are willing to make changes and increase vulnerability to grow closer and enhance the connection in their relationship. I help couples and individuals in the League City, Kemah, and Houston, Texas areas, and residents of Texas online. Call (832) 827-3288 to schedule a free 15 minute consultation. I’d love to help!

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