Marriage Therapists League City, TX

You’re struggling with finding the right therapist for you, and don’t really know where to start. Did you know the relationship with your therapist accounts for about 60% of outcome in therapy? We believe taking the time to find the right therapist for you is essential. We want you to have the best experience and get the most you can out of therapy, so we invite you to take some time to get to know us.


Erika Labuzan-Lopez, LMFT-S, LPC-S, Owner

Even the strongest couples face periods of frustration, disconnection, and fear that you’ll grow apart. When you’ve reached the point of revisiting the same issues over and over again, and questioning each other’s abilities to engage in the marriage, it’s time to get help.

I help couples look at these devastatingly lonely moments of marriage in a different way, and can guide you into using those exact experiences to let down your guards and strengthen your marriage. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot by sitting with couples in their pain, and I know how to help you get through it coming out stronger on the other side.


Jaimi Douthit, LPC


I’ve found my stride working with people who have admirable goals in life, but are killing themselves trying to meet them. They believe that massage or manicure is doing enough to care of themselves, yet they sit with me in session feeling defeated and helpless. It’s not that they can’t do all the things they want to, it’s that there’s no intentionality in how to refill and refuel the soul.

Throughout my internship and with intensive supervision, I’ve gained experience not only with research based tools and techniques to help my clients, but more importantly I’ve learned to hear and understand people’s stories. I listen and respond with compassion and care, and I invite you to take action to improve you life.

Jennifer Anderson, LMFT-Associate, LPC-Associate


You find that you’re able to manage your life and your marriage, but in reality you’re just getting by. You used to have the most amazing conversations, connection, and intimacy, but after life gets involved and moves forward you’re pretty much in survival mode at this point. Although there are complexities to every situation, it doesn’t have to be complicated to make small improvements that produce dramatic changes in your relationship. If you’re ready to reignite your connection with your partner, I’m here to help.

During my internship, I am gaining experience sitting and working with couples, as well as gaining invaluable knowledge and direction from an experienced couples therapy expert. I bring in proven tools and techniques, but promise to show up as myself and bring my own strengths based style to our work. I can’t wait to go on this journey with you.

Click Here to Watch Erika’s Introduction:


Click Here to Watch Jaimi’s Introduction:

Marriage Therapist League City, TX

Sky Yeater, LPC-Associate

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With so many distractions and expectations in our lives sometimes it’s hard to actively listen, reflect, and respond, even to ourselves. When a majority of our communication happens through text so much can get lost in translation, which can bring out frustration, insecurities, and blame. We feel disconnected or exhausted from the same patterns of conflict. Sometimes we snap at our partner. Other times we don’t feel heard. I help clients build communication skills that enhance every aspect of their lives, whether it’s being more proactive at the conference table, engaging in a zoom meeting, or present at the dinner table. I consistently see growth in vulnerability and I’m honored to have a role helping couples lean into honesty and really hear each other. 

Under the guidance of a skillful couple’s therapist, I help individuals and couples navigate their way back to who they want to be, how they want to show up with each other, and how to effectively express their needs and desires to co-create fulfilling lives. I employ proven therapeutic techniques while showing up authentically in service of you. I’m invested in helping you invest in yourself and your relationships.